Comfortable Retirement | Celebration Retirement Estate

Discovering Tranquility and Community at Celebration Retirement Estate

Discovering Tranquility and Community at Celebration Retirement Estate

Retirement is a glorious milestone, opening up new opportunities for relaxation, hobbies, and community interaction in retirement villages like Celebration Retirement Estate. At Celebration Retirement Estate, our residents immerse themselves in a tranquil environment that provides safety in an active community. Discover what these residents say about their new home and why they chose to buy at Celebration in Randburg.

Ethylwin Remmers, a passionate quilter and nature enthusiast, highlights Celebration's welcoming and open environment. "What I like the most about Celebration is that it's open, inviting, and feels safe. I don't feel as if I'm in the city. To me, it's just so relaxing staying here". Ethylwin loves the tranquil environment, describing it as a place where you can hear jackals and owls away from the city’s hustle and bustle. She regularly spends her days sewing on her enclosed patio, where friends often stop by to chat or request sewing patterns. For Ethylwin, Celebration perfectly combines protection, community, and nature therapy, making it the ideal environment for her and her grandchildren, who adore visiting in the afternoons.

Malcolm Lotriet appreciates Celebration's well-rounded offering and even advises the younger generation by saying, "Diversifiseer en maak voorsiening vir jou oudag (diversify and make provision for when you are older).” Malcolm emphasises the significance of investing in property that grows in value through the years. He highlights that Celebration provides a safe and stable environment, particularly with its on-site medical and emergency offerings. For Malcolm, Celebration is not just a place to live but a savvy long-term investment.

For Kgotatso and Selina Meka, safety and convenience are paramount. They see Celebration as a generational investment that properly ensures their loved ones' well-being. "It’s a complete offering for people who are retired or planning to retire," Kgotatso explains. The on-site care facilities provide peace of mind to residents and their families, knowing that assistance is always nearby. They encourage people to visit and see the estate firsthand, as it offers much more than only a retirement property - it's a supportive and active community.

Nico and Maryke Botha cherish the ever-evolving community and natural beauty of Celebration. They take pride in the impressive on-site bird hide and enjoy the birdwatching opportunities with the rehabilitated wetland the estate offers. "Ons het al reeds bykans 80 voëlspesies geïdentifiseer," says Nico, highlighting the abundance of bird species they've identified. The Bothas enjoy the social activities and the freedom to pursue activities like line dancing and pilates. They experience a sense of security and feel supported by their new community.

Robert David Stewart, an avid birder and photographer, enjoys the serene green areas at Celebration. He appreciates the quiet, nature-filled environment, which provides tranquillity away from the bustling city life. Robert values the estate's strong feeling of community, particularly the support he received during difficult times. "The knowledge and the aid of like-minded people in the estate have been truly brilliant," he praises.

Celebration Retirement Estate proudly stands as an oasis for those seeking a well-supported, secure, and vibrant retirement, which distinguishes it from other retirement villages. Its residents’ numerous praises confirm the estate’s potential to cater to its diverse residents while also fostering a strong sense of community.

Whether through sharing interests, participating in nature walks, or simply feeling secure and supported, Celebration offers a fulfilling and enriching retirement experience. If you are considering your retirement options, take a moment to visit Celebration Retirement Estate in Ranburg and see for yourself why it is so cherished by the hundreds of retirees who call it home.