About Us
Property Developer in Gauteng
Gauteng’s largest residential developer in our market segments which are rental developments, lifestyle estatesand retirement estates.
Established in business since 2002. Our developments include rental complexes, retirement villages, secure developments and industrial.
38 000
Units Developed
More than 38 000 units successfully developed to date. Our new developments are in niche areas for an excellent return on investment.
#1 Property Developer in Gauteng

The Central Developments Property Group, established in 2002, is the largest residential property developer in Gauteng, with a proud tradition of delivering high-quality, secure developments with superb lifestyle and recreation facilities. With a focus on the middle to high-income market, our developments include secure developments, rental complexes and retirement villages, as well as serviced stands.

With our head office based in Midrand, Gauteng, Central Developments Property Group has delivered more than 38 000 to date, with a current average of 2 500 units per year. We apply a hands-on approach and sound business principles in developing property in niche areas for an excellent return on investment. With a commitment to long-term sustainability and an experienced executive team, the group successfully delivers developments with a difference, making us the market leader in residential property development.

We have a holistic, turnkey approach to the development of residential property in niche areas, including rental complexes, sectional- and full-title developments in security estates, and retirement villages.

Turn-key Property Developments

The Central Developments Property Group approach starts with the procurement of suitable land for development and intensive market research and product development, which are all done in-house. We then manage the entire project including town planning and land development, construction, marketing and all administration ourselves. In doing so, we directly oversee the entire value chain of our developments ensuring unrivalled attention to detail to guarantee successful property development.

You will find a Central Developments Property Group portfolio of 14 rental developments throughout Gauteng which totals over 5 000 units. Additionally, there are also two security estates that provide serviced stands.

Since 2010 Central Developments Property Group has proudly developed 13 retirement developments, with Celebration and Waterkloof Marina being our first mega retirement estates with a fully operational lifestyle centre and frail-care facilities available from day one.

For those interested in property investment, special attention is paid to guarantee that our properties deliver above-average returns on investment.